Solar and geomagnetic data

Date Solar flux density
2.8 GHz
Sunspot number Planetary A index
K indices
(3-hour intervals) (3)
Solar wind
speed range
of flares
DRAO (4) Almaty (1)
(daily mean)
ap avg
ap range
(20h UT)
(02-11 UT) 2K 1K
20250209 163.0     226 151 142 17.4 17 5-39 12123454 12223444 12012455 325-676 20    
20250208 173.4     213 136 168 9.4 9 0-22 02433211 03434221 02323412 306-381 30 1  
20250207 181.6     246 173 179 2.5 2 0-4 10111100 00001101 30000000 334-487 38 7  
20250206 187.8 192.6 187.3 336 229 169 7.4 7 4-12 33212211 12213322 52201123 379-544 41 2  
20250205 191.3 206.7 200.9 425 242 159 5.9 6 2-12 12111312 12122322 22101334 368-442 35 3  
20250204 212.6 222.7 216.5 426 298 194 4.1 4 2-6 11221011 11222222 11110021 368-488 43 8  
20250203 220.5 227.3 220.8 482 280 153 2.6 3 0-4 10110001 11012212 10000001 441-676 47 12  
20250202 215.7 197.6 191.9 515 312 156 18.5 18 6-27 34434422 24444532 54434532 542-709 38 8  
20250201 187.9 194.4 188.8 462 273 145 23.6 24 15-32 44344444 42435543 54424575 383-739 26 1  
20250131 206.5 187.4 181.9 356 266 141 6.4 6 3-12 21122223 10132223 30012112 307-529 40 3  
20250130 183.7     362 229 144 4.8 5 2-12 11101123 11011222 10000124 297-374 25    
20250129 173.7 166.5 161.5 226 136 161 5.6 6 4-7 21122211 21123322 41113323 281-359 22 1  
20250128 171.5 159.4 154.6 212 141 128 10.3 10 3-22 21123343 11023323 32024453 282-366 22 1  
20250127 162.5 170.2 165.0 191 149 146 5.3 5 0-12 00121322 01222222 10001543 288-328 30 1  
20250126 170.5 181.2 175.6 256 152 140 1.6 2 0-3 01000000 01001111 01000002 288-376 21    
20250125 181.7 194.0 188.1 354 226 131 2.0 2 0-4 00001101 10001211 20000003 352-464 30    
20250124 204.5 214.5 207.9 388 220 131 6.0 6 4-9 11212112 11312222 22311123 409-512 25 2  
20250123 215.4 210.0 203.4 402 221 169 11.1 11 3-22 32111442 22021432 42111433 373-493 31    
20250122 214.2 242.1 234.5 391 243 158 9.1 9 4-15 32322113 41322212 43332124 398-524 14 1  
20250121 236.4 243.0 235.3 448 260 188 9.6 10 4-15 23221332 23122332 33421264 459-713 29 1  
20250120 232.1 247.4 239.6 446 271 277 18.9 19 12-32 43334334 33325332 45423345 468-713 37    
20250119 235.8 235.8 228.3 392 256 143 14.6 15 4-22 12433334 12333333 12443356 434-536 32 1  
20250118 222.4 232.2 224.8 330 205 128 7.5 8 7-9 22222222 22323222 34222225 456-601 41 3  
20250117 226.8 218.9 211.8 290 181 149 21.1 21 15-27 44433344 33344333 55423446 399-646 42 9  
20250116 208.2 190.2 184.0 262 202 105 13.6 14 6-22 33223343 24023422 44311454 383-551 22    
20250115 173.5 171.7 166.1 221 129 102 15.6 16 6-22 34433332 33434322 45333333 418-529 24    
20250114 166.4 143.5 138.8 184 129 106 10.4 10 7-15 32222333 22222322 43322354 381-536 26    
20250113 159.7 143.0 138.3 185 121 100 10.1 10 4-27 42122222 32133322 63221344 381-489 19    
20250112 158.4 156.8 151.6 195 144 99 6.0 6 5-9 12222112 12321222 32102113 359-453 12    
20250111 156.0 165.9 160.5 228 150 82 6.4 6 3-15 21112311 21122321 41310323 389-490 10    
20250110 156.9 173.6 167.8 231 162 105 12.1 12 4-27 13233124 23334233 35323245 415-456 12    

1) Calculated based on data obtained courtesy of the Institute of Ionosphere, Kazakhstan
2) Solar wind speed is preliminary (* on days with no or too few measurements from SOHO-CELIAS/MTOF PM, measurements from DSCOVR or ACE are used)
3) Ap and Kp values in red are based on the definitive Potsdam WDC data.
4) Flare enhanced measurements and measurements that most likely are invalid are replaced by other same day measurements ## (daily QC). Solar flux measurements that may be invalid are temporarily marked ** , while interpolated values are marked # .
5) Suspected faulty measurement or incomplete observation.
6) Sunspot count using other data sources than SDO - to be replaced when SDO imagery after Nov. 26 becomes available.

This page is normally updated once a day by Jan Alvestad.

[Solar Terrestrial Activity Report]